
Etický kodex

People, commitment, quality and innovation have always driven and will continue to drive our company along any professional market path we are following at any time.


To encourage the habit of fish consumption and to provide healthy, quality foods that satisfy our customers.

To generate value for every stakeholder.

To maintain a work climate that enables personnel to accomplish their goals and stimulates their personal and professional development.


To be recognised by consumers as a leading household brand that meets their processed food product needs.

The cornerstones of our endeavours are the following:

  • Innovation.
  • Quality Raw Material
  • Efficient full production.


Our values govern our actions and conduct.

They embody the priorities we seek to share and apply. And we are committed to these values both within our organisation and beyond.

Our values revolve around commitment, innovation, quality and people.


We take a hands-on approach to meeting our challenges, conducting our business ethically and responsibly.


We stay ahead of the game by applying new ideas to surpass expectations.


We generate confidence and trust by achieving excellence in everything we do.


We create value through teamwork and human development.


Nauterra Code of Business Ethics is intended to establish the basic principles and commitments that are expected from and which are to be demanded of the companies that make up Nauterra, all employees, executives and governing bodies. It constitutes a
framework of integrity that is common to all of them in carrying out their professional activities and in their relations with stakeholders.

This Code compliance is mandatory for governing bodies of Nauterra companies and all collaborators, regardless of their geographical situation, hierarchical position in the organisation chart or type of contract they hold with the company.

The second edition of this Code, was approved by the Board of Directors on November, 2017 and entered into force on January 18th, 2018.